DAMSI Energy Absorption Component

DAMSI (Shock Isolators and Spring Damping Solutions from Enidine Defense), DAMSI Energy Absorption
To isolate heavy loads against shipboard shock inputs, Enidine developed the Double Acting Mechanical Shock Isolator (DAMSI). The DAMSI is a purely mechanical shock isolator featuring our patented friction spring damping element. A single DAMSI replaces two liquid-cooled, spring shocks while providing pre-load static support and improved near-miss shipboard shock protection. In addition, the mechanical design of the DAMSI eliminates the possibility of seal failures or leakage, effectively extending the service life of the unit.

Dynamic modeling, design verification, medium weight hammer and barge testing have all served to demonstrate that the DAMSI has met or exceeded all of the US Navy's environmental, service life, and performance requirements. Moreover, the DAMSI offers significantly reduced G-loading to the weapon during shipboard shock events, as well as a greatly improved service life.

As a result of the Enidine product's ability to meet customer requirements, the DAMSI is slated for installation into the Tomahawk Vertical Launch System (VLS). 
  • No use of fluids for shock mitigation
  • No missile interface impact
  • No canister bracket changes
  • Fits in same physical envelope